Paul Donovan

Expert Overview

Dr. Paul Donovan, Owner and Director of The Change Company, founded in 1999. Paul specializes in working with senior executive teams facilitating team building and strategy, coaching and leadership development. That work often involves Paul assisting executives to pause their transactional and familiar conversations and examine the individual and collective tensions that are not being discussed. His research and others suggest that these “undiscussable” topics are often among the most strategic for the team, and the organization. Paul’s lifelong goal has been to help change the conversation to one that precipitates inner change and leads to far more powerful demonstrations of leadership. Paul has worked across sectors and industries including, property development, higher education, pharmaceutical, defense, food manufacture, high technology medical, government, consulting, and finance. Paul’s Doctorate examined the relationship between power and “undiscussables” in executive teams. He has published several peer reviewed research articles including a chapter in the award-winning peer reviewed edited book, Realising Critical HRD – Stories of Reflecting, Voicing and Enacting Critical Practice.