Leta Chen

Expert Overview

As a highly experienced leadership development and conflict coach, accredited mediator, facilitator and registered psychologist with over 30 years of direct practice in her field, Leta is dedicated to holding herself and others to higher levels of awareness and accountability to how they show up in the world, for self and in relationship. For Leta, this means standing in what’s true, feeling more, connecting deeply, and supporting others to do the same as they move towards what really matters. The concepts of radical inclusion and upholding the dignity of all is paramount to this pursuit. She is an internationally recognized and accredited ICF coach, to the PCC level; integrating Narrative Coaching™, EMERGE™, Power Intelligence® and Cinergy™ coach methodologies, with years of background expertise in dispute resolution, the clinical neurosciences, process-oriented psychology, and mindfulness. This depth and breadth of expertise, and a very open, warm and naturally vibrant style, allows her to develop deep trusting relationships and effectively partner with her clients so they can realize powerful and sustained shifts in awareness, accountability, agency and impact. Areas of Specialization: Executive coaching, Leadership development, Power coaching, Conflict coaching, Change / transition management coaching, Relationship coaching, Communication skills coaching, Neurobehavioural coaching / Mindfulness & meditation training, Health and wellbeing coaching, Team coaching to drive effective performance and support sustained embedded cultural shifts, Running local and international retreats; Practicing yoga teacher (RYT 550hrs).